Is FOMO Affecting Your Goals?

Have you heard of FOMO?

“Fear Of Missing Out”

healthy man taking photo of ocean using iphone.

I think all of us at some point have felt FOMO and even a little jealous. We all want to feel included, it’s human nature. However, this can definitely get in the way when your acquaintances don’t share the same goals.

Yes, you can limit your exposure but it just seems like your FOMO gets even stronger. So what is the number one way we consume our friends and family’s updates?

Your phone!

FOMO can cause major stress that can hinder your health goals. Today we want to share with you a quick survival guide on how to minimize your case of FOMO and still enjoy your time with your friends and family while staying on track.

  • Get rid of your phone: I know that’s probably not a good thing in case of an emergency but try putting it on airplane mode to avoid notifications whenever possible.


  • Uninstall your social media: If you get bored you might be tempted to scroll, this will be your major FOMO trigger so it’s best to stay away!


  • Plan activities: If possible plan activities to keep busy, something active would really help your mental health!


  • Don’t restrict yourself: Now I know we have goals to meet but there is a hugely important aspect of treating yourself when you have done a great job. Treating yourself to a night out won’t hurt you.

I hope these tips helped you survive to meet your goals and stay on track!

If you are experiencing any issues like this or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our mission is provide the very best education, products, services, and support necessary to make sure that we generate unparalleled change in our community’s health and well-being.